What is the navigation
Let's define what is the navigation. So the navigation consists in all the technics which allow humans to navigate on earth's oceans. Those technics permit to determinate our positions in the ocean. Moreover thanks to those technics you can find your way to go somewhere in total security. There are two different navigation. Firstly there is the coastal navigation, in this type of navigation the seaman use his vision to find his way. In fact he just has to look at the coast and at the special monuments to definite his position and to find his way. Secondly there is the open sea navigation, in this case the boat is really far from the coast so the seaman can't draw up thanks to his vision. So he has to find his geographic position (latitude and longitude). So to do that there are two technics which are the astrologic technic (thanks to the moon, the stars or the sun you can find your position thanks to the sextant in the audio record) and the appreciation navigations (find your position thanks to your last position, to your speed and your directions. You can find those information thanks to three instruments which are explained in our audio record) That's all we defined what is the navigation.
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